Our official photographers are Marathon Photos. More information can be found by visiting their website here.

To see photos of you taking part and to download your free certificate on the photos page. Make sure the correct event is selected and then search by your Run Number or Surname. 

Unfortunately they cannot guarantee all runners will have a photo of themselves. Picture are tagged when the run number is clearly shown on cameras. If your run number was obscured in anyway when running past the cameras, it cannot be tagged.

If no photos are shown and you ran with a friend/family member. please try entering their Surname or Run Number.

If no photos are shown and you ran alone, please visit Marathon Photo's website directly here. 

In the search field type the name of the event, choose the correct year from the drop down list, enter your name/run number and click 'Search'

At the bottom of the page there is a section called 'Search for More Images' where you can upload a photo of you or search by colour of what you were wearing on the day.